It's on. It's very much on. The past few days have seen me sourcing the final bits and bobs I need to get going on the project. So, I've bought a 3-ply black scratchplate from the excellent Axetec for £12. I've also bought a 5-way double pole superswitch from Allparts for £10.37. This takes my total so far to £77.37.
Guitar - £30. Doubleyou tee eff?
Bridge pickup - £25 (It's a Swineshead Runaway I had going spare.)
Scratchplate - £12
5-way switch - £10.37
I've got £22.63 left to use, if I need to use it. I might just spend it on 2263 penny sweets.
However, sourcing is not the only thing I've been doing; to turn the guitar from the creamy slice of yawn you've seen into the stripped down versatility machine I needed to do some sanding! It is sanding that I have most certainly done. I hired one of these from HSS Hire:
I set to work with the sander and got the guitar body looking like this!
I'm pretty darn tootin' pleased with the result! This evening I went to work on the inside of the horns by hand and have nearly got it all stripped. Even though the body is made from four wildly different bits of wood I still think it looks cool. I think ugly wood is still a very nice thing to look at!
I'll tell you some more stuff later.
Nice one. Now take the sander to that Artexing :)